7 Steps to Take When A Pipe Bursts

Let’s talk about every homeowner’s worst nightmare when it comes to plumbing: a burst pipe. Big or small, those are words none of us want to hear. Our home is our castle, our sanctuary. We take pride in keeping it in tip top shape and when we hear the words “burst...

4 Ways to Avoid Clogs This Summer

To avoid plumbing clogs there is one rule to follow right off the bat: be aware of what you put down the drain. For example, you want to avoid the obvious culprits in kitchen clogs. We know the easy thing to do is just pour anything down the drain but for example,...

Discover the Signs of a Faulty Septic Tank

Did you know septic tanks can last as long as thirty years? How long septic tanks last of course, all depends on if they are being properly maintained.  Septic tanks of course are for use in properties that are not connected to a sewer system of any kind. These...

7 Ways to Eliminate Smell from a Sewer

Welcome to another Metro-Flow Blog post. Are we excited for the holidays or what! December has been a pretty exciting month for us here at Metro-Flow Plumbing and we hope that it has been for you as well. Today we are going to look into the world of sewer gas. How to...

What to Do With Frozen Pipes

It was the shortest month of the year but February still seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye! We had a good month here at Metro-Flow Plumbing servicing the Dallas area with all their plumbing needs. Our team of certified, experienced and insured plumbing...
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